Message from our Commodore: bravo!


Bravo to the youth, Camille and Xavier, for building this website with respect for the Club's image: dynamism and youthfulness.

Building this website shows what our Club stands for. The youth took the lead in the creation of this renewed website, under the wings of Frederic Winnock (administrator internal communication), and this together with the clubsecretariat. They respected our history but wished to modernise. The Board of Directors can only thank and congratulate them for the work they have done. Despite exams and classes at University or starting worklife... nothing was too much as long as they could help the KYCN.

A special thanks also goes to our administrator, Frederic, for his coordination and availability throughout the project. In times of enormous pressure in the COVID departments, this was certainly not easy.

This new website is essential for our members and our visitors, but we are aware that it will entail a major change. Some time of adaptation will be necessary, but the improvement will certainly not escape you.

As a Club, we have always considered human contact very important, so I insist on reminding you that our Club Secretariat is always available to all our members.

Thanks to Gerhard (Batur) for making his photographs available to KYCN.

Thanks to Ludovic Claeys and Droprise for making the new film about our Kromme Hoek.

Thanks to SIJF for the installation of the webcam.

Thanks to KIXX for the programming of this website.

Thanks to our club secretariat for their availability.

Enjoy this beautiful website!

Baudouin Meyhui

Commodore Royal Yacht Club Nieuwpoort