Here it is, the new website!

The new website is here!

The "old" KYCN website was not usable on smartphones or tablets, which is a necessity these days. The website therefore urgently needed an update. The KYCN board decided in 2020 not to upgrade the existing site, but to go for a completely new modern website. A market survey was carried out and we eventually went into partnership with the communication agency KIXX.

At the end of 2020, the assignment was awarded and there was a first brainstorming session with KIXX.

From the beginning, Camille and Xavier from the youth committee have put their shoulders to the wheel for this project.

Many hours, days and weeks, sometimes interrupted by studying and taking exams, they put in the development of the website. Every week, they consulted with the communications agency to design the website.

In addition, they wrote the accompanying texts (in three languages) and took care of the complete input of data on the website. 

As a club, we can be proud to have such committed young people. Without them, there would be no new website today!

I would also like to thank all the people who provided the visual material for the new site. Thanks to these beautiful photos and films, the website really comes into its own. Finally, I would also like to thank the secretariat for supporting this project.

It was a pleasure for me to see the wisdom of the youth in this matter and the strength of their perseverance. 

Together with me, you can now admire the beauty of the website. I would therefore like to invite you all to discover the new KYCN website and I would like to congratulate Camille and Xavier on their work.

With sportive greetings,

Frederic Winnock

Director Internal Communications

A special thanks to
our sponsors